Calling the Senate health care bill a package that Ponzi schemer "Bernie Madoff would really envy," Republican Sen. Jon Kyl said Sunday that the legislation to be debated in December is long on promises but short on accounting.
"When they claim a savings ... in the first 10 years, that's because they start collecting taxes in 2010 they don't start spending money till 2014," said Kyl, helping to kick off the debate senators voted a day earlier to start on the $848 billion package
"Any private or any publicly traded business that claimed it was making a profit because it booked revenue over 10 years but only booked expenses over six years would wind up in jail. That's what this bill does, that's just many of the frauds and hat tricks in this bill," Kyl said on "Fox News Sunday."
Coburn said he sees three problems with the current bill.
"One, 61 percent of health care in this country is already run by the government. Name one that works well," he said, calling Medicare "highly inefficient" and going broke.
"Number two is, this -- this bill creates 70 new government agencies with thousands of new bureaucrats ... with 1,597 different instances where the secretary's mandated to write rules and regulations. ... The third point that I would say is we can fix all these problems, but we have a government-centered approach that is already failing instead of a patient-centered approach. ...There's 11 studies out as of this morning that said both the House bill and the Senate bill will raise premiums, not lower them," he continued.
[Source: Fox News]
The two more of the biggest concerns about the healthcare bills in the Senate and House are:
Mammograms: A government panel recently changed the recommendations for women to receive cancer-screening mammograms from every year starting at 40 to every other year after 50. It is expected that the government will use this to deny coverage to women needing mammograms before 50. Doctors, health officials, celebrities and women and around the nation are outraged at this blatant action to put political expediency above the lives of thousands of American women. Countless women are coming forward to explain that if they had not had a mammogram in their 40s, they would not be alive today. Read more here...
Abortions: The House was able to pass their version of healthcare reform by inserting an amendment banning the use of taxpayer funds for abortion (except in the cases of rape/incest and endangerment of the life of the mother). Democrat leaders, including Obama himself, are plotting to remove the ban in the final bill. This means that, if passed, Obama-Reid-Pelosicare will pay for abortions on demand with tax money collected by hard-working Americans -- whether they think abortion is great or morally tantamount to murdering innocent children. Read more here...
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