He admits that "There isn't any insurance reform left in [the current Healthcare Reform bills in the House and Senate] to speak of." He admits that they are nothing more than a Trillion Dollar bail out of insurance companies that will begin un-insuring Americans, make them pay three times as much for healthcare as they do today, and foot our children with the bill for decades to come.
From his own words:
"There isn't any insurance reform left in this bill to speak of." [...]
"What this is is a giant bail out. This is a bail out that makes AIG look cheap. $60 Billion goes to the insurance companies under this bill. Now, if we can get a public option, I think that's okay. But if you don't have a public option, why would we want to stick the tax payers with yet another bail out? They bailed out the banks, they bailed out AIG; this is a TRILLION DOLLAR BAIL OUT." [...]
"I would vote to kill this bill if it does not have a public option, because that is doing harm to the nation....This is a harmful bill to the nation if it does not have a public option because its going to take $Trillions over several decades from our kids. The Republicans are right about the rhetoric of the bill....You're gradually going to start uninsuring people because we're not going to have the money to maintain the system. This does nothing to control costs. "
I think it's also very revealing that he is very willing to pass this self-described destructive legislation if it gives government control over the healthcare industry. He's concerned when Democrats get nothing out of it, but when they get more POWER, he is willing to stick it to Americans and their children as collateral for empowering his friends in the government. Don't you see what is going on America?!
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