- Despite what President Obama and congressional Democrats say, their bill would increase health care costs rather than lower them by pushing a government takeover of health care.
- The house Democrat's bill would inevitabley lead to rationing of care, such as we see in every other government-run medical system.
- Patients and doctors, not government bureaucrats, should make medical decisions. But the House Democrats’ bill puts bureaucrats in charge.
- In the midst of an economic recession when thousands of jobs are being lost, the last thing families and small businesses need are higher taxes. Yet the House Democrats’ bill would do just that.
- The House Democrats’ bill includes numerous provisions supposedly designed to “control costs” but in fact it is largely just more of the same.
- Small businesses don’t fare well under the House Democrats’ bill, whether it is new tax hikes, new fines, or new government mandates.
- The House Democrats’ Bill Will Result in Federally Mandated and Subsidized Coverage of Abortion
- The House Democrats’ bill eliminates choices for patients, undermining their rights at the expense of government bureaucrats.
- The House Democrats’ bill breaks a number of President Obama’s promises.
- Written with the help of special interests, it’s easy to understand why the House Democrats’ bill provides numerous giveaways to special interest groups and their allies.
- The House Democrats’ bill gives uncheck power to a new “Health Care Choices Commissioner.” This is extremely troubling given the large scope of responsibility given to the Commissioner. In fact, the Commissioner is so powerful that the title is referenced 182 times in the House Democrat’s bill.
- The House Democrats’ bill erodes the ability of small businesses and other employers to exercise their rights and obligations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to provide benefits tailored to their own workforce.
- The House Democrats’ bill creates a massive new federal bureaucracy littered with new federal agencies, new programs, and new bureaucrats.
Read all the specific references to this summary at http://docs.google.com/View?id=dtd6rhs_5gczwjfgj
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